Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Best No-Bake Cannabis Edibles Recipes to Make With Cannabutter

No-bake edibles are a convenient way to enjoy cannabis without cooking or smoking. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth or want to relax with some THC, these five no-bake edible recipes are perfect.

Tips for no-bake edibles

  • Prep your cannabutter in advance. These recipes call for cannabutter; having it on hand is the easiest way to whip up any no-bake edibles quickly.
  • Let your cannabutter sit out for at least an hour before using it. Room-temperature butter is easier to mix.
  • If you don’t have butter, you can easily substitute canna oil.

Common mistakes with edibles

  • Don’t skip the decarb process! You need decarboxylated cannabis to make potent cannabutter or oil.
  • Start with a low dose. Edibles can take up to an hour to kick in, so be patient and don’t overeat at once.

The importance of decarboxylation

Decarboxylation is a…