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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Understanding the Different Marijuana Plant Stages

Importance of Understanding the Marijuana Plant Stages of Growth

Understanding the different stages of the marijuana plant life cycle is essential for home and commercial growers alike. Each step of the cannabis plant requires specific care and attention to produce high-quality cannabis and address any issues that may arise. Cannabis contains over 100 cannabinoids, with THC being responsible for psychoactive effects and CBD having potential therapeutic benefits. Cannabis can be grown indoors and outdoors, and knowing the stages of growth is crucial for healthy and potent plants.

The 4 Different Marijuana Plant Growth Stages

Marijuana Plant Stages of Growth Cycle

Seedling Stage

During the cannabis seedling stage, the plant is in its most delicate state. It requires a moderate amount of light and warmth to grow correctly. At this stage, the plant develops its first set of true…