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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

What is the Best Butter for Making Cannabutter?

Wait. I must choose the best butter for cannabutter to make my edibles properly. Why does it matter? Is this a real thing?

Yes, anytime you are ‘infusing’ using the proper ingredients is paramount to ensuring that the end product tastes great and offers the appropriate effect.

This article is to help you determine which type of butter is best for making a delicious batch of cannabutter at home.

What We’ll Want to Learn

  • Why ghee is better than regular butter and the best butter for cannabutter
  • What butter options should you avoid

Butter for Cannabutter: A Lesson

Cooking with cannabis can be daunting for beginners, particularly if previous attempts have been unsuccessful.

Using the wrong stuff can ruin your experience, even if you’re a kitchen pro.

Selecting the right butter and cannabis flower can be somewhat intimidating.

“I know all you need is some butter and buds, but which kind should you use?”

Picking the right butter is a big deal when making cannabutter at home. It can make a huge difference in how your…