Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Drip Irrigation Hydroponic Systems

What is Drip Irrigation?

Drip irrigation is a successful hydroponic technique that relies on a regulated flow of nutrient solution, top fed to your plants. It is not just for hydro though, many soil based systems also use drip irrigation techniques to feed their plants.

Drip irrigation is an efficient system with very little wastage. Growers who use DWC systems or NFT systems will know that they need to deliver large quantities of nutrient solution to their plants which, once spent, goes to waste. If you have a garden then this excess solution can be recycled on your other plants. However, in most cases it just goes down the sink which is not environmentally friendly. Drip irrigation systems slowly release just the right amount of nutrient solution that your plant requires, thus saving water and wastage. There is no need to periodically empty away…