Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ebb & Flow Hydroponics System

What is an Ebb and Flow System?

Ebb and flow hydroponics, also known as flood and drain or flood table, is one of the most popular and versatile hydroponic systems in use. It is easy to understand, requires minimal technical knowledge and is suitable for both beginners and advanced hydroponic growers. This system is incredibly productive and can accommodate a variety of plants, of different sizes and in different sized pots, with great ease. Here are some of the benefits of using an ebb and flow system:

– Easy to understand and requires minimal technical knowledge
– Suitable for both beginners and advanced hydroponic growers
– Highly productive system
– Accommodates a variety of plants, of different sizes and in different sized pots with great ease

How does an Ebb and Flow system work?

An ebb and flow hydroponic system is an effective way of providing your plants with the nutrients they need, without the…