Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

NFT Hydroponic Systems: Simple Guide

What is NFT?

NFT, or Nutrient Film Technique, is a highly efficient and productive hydroponic system that has been used by advanced hydroponic growers for many years.

It works by continuously cycling water and nutrient solution through a shallow film of water, allowing the roots of the plants to absorb the nutrients they need without the need for a growing medium.

NFT is known to be one of the most effective single hydroponic systems available, and has been proven to produce some amazing results.

Why use NFT over other systems like simple Pots?

  • Fast growth and bigger yields – you can achieve up to three times the yield of regular growing in soil;
  • Simplicity – It is actually a very simply operation once set up, it is the set up that needs time and dialling in;
  • Water efficiency – NFT systems are…