Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Pets

Exploring Different Types of Damselfish in the Sea

Exploring Different Types of Damselfish in the Sea - exploring different types of damselfish in the sea 2698

How many types of Damselfish are there? Did you know that there are approximately 250 species of Damselfish swimming in the vast ocean? From their vibrant colors to their territorial behaviors, Damselfish are a diverse group of marine species that…

Dwarf Gourami: Essential Care Guide and Tropical Fish Profile

Dwarf Gourami: Essential Care Guide and Tropical Fish Profile - dwarf gourami essential care guide and tropical fish profile 2580

Dwarf Gourami At a Glance Gourami is a tropical freshwater labyrinth fish of the macropod family Osphronemids. They live in Southeast Asia. Trichogaster is named after the Latin word “trichos” which means “threads” / “trichos.” In today’s classification, a gaster…