Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Best Client Referral Scripts for Real Estate Leads

Is it too cheesy? Are straightforward, easy-to-use client referral scripts too old school?

I’ll let you be the judge. But there are entire Pinterest boards of shareable social media images advertising this popular real estate idiom, and it adorns many business cards, no doubt.

There are even giant wall stickers on Amazon for your brokerage office!

What is indisputable is that a Facebook post or email signature is no replacement for the hard work of good past client and SOI follow up.

Past clients and your friends and family are essential components of your lead generation. Every successful and mature real estate business leans heavily on these relationships, and real estate referrals represent approximately 40% of all real estate leads generated, more than any other source.

A referred customer will also be more likely to convert as a warm lead.

Reaching out to past clients shouldn’t be too hard. What can be awkward is slipping in your referral request without coming off as aggressive or salesy.

Here are some real estate scripts to get your conversations…