Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Cannabis

What is lecithin and why is it in your edibles?

What is lecithin and why is it in your edibles? - what is lecithin and why is it in your edibles 2618

Cannabis edibles have progressed beyond basic “pot brownies” and now come in all sorts of flavors and tastes, and most work perfectly. But some things with marijuana can be like oil and water – literally. If you’re making edibles, chances…

VPD in Different Plant Growth Stages: A Detailed Analysis

VPD in Different Plant Growth Stages: A Detailed Analysis - vpd in different plant growth stages a detailed analysis 2608

Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) is a crucial factor that influences plant growth and productivity. Understanding the optimal VPD range for different plant growth stages is essential for maximizing yields and ensuring healthy plant development. In this detailed analysis, we will…

Growing Auto Flower Marijuana: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing Auto Flower Marijuana: A Comprehensive Guide - Growing Auto Flower Marijuana A Comprehensive Guide

What are Auto Flower Marijuana Seeds? Auto vs. Photoperiod Strains Optimal Autoflower Growing Conditions Growing Auto-flower Plants Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Auto Flower Marijuana Auto Flower vs. Photoperiod Strains: Which One Should You Choose? Growing Auto Flower Marijuana FAQs…

23 Best Outdoor Autoflower Seeds: Outdoor Season 2023

23 Best Outdoor Autoflower Seeds: Outdoor Season 2023 - 23 Best Outdoor Autoflower Seeds Outdoor Season 2023

Autoflowering strains have become increasingly popular among cannabis cultivators, especially those who prefer growing outdoors. These strains are the best outdoor autoflower seeds chosen for their easy-to-grow nature, quick flowering time, and high yield. Best Outdoor Autoflower Seeds Strawberry Cheesecake…